Sunday, September 21, 2008


Week 2 was a barnburner! Despite a commanding early lead (up 14 votes after day one!) the Cheetah nearly blew the race, and with less than ten hours to go in the voting was locked in a dead tie with the Deer. He somehow managed to cross the finish line up by two votes, allegations of late-week vote-changing notwithstanding. :)

The Falcon, despite being, according to my engineer-genius brother-in-law, "the fastest animal on the planet" with its ability to reach speeds of over 200mph, managed to finish a dismal third.

Which is all fine and good - I'd rather have visitors vote for their favorite drawing than mentally handicap the race with scientific fact. Although I am noticing an alarming trend: so far, whoever I vote for loses. (which means I either have bad taste, or I'm sweet at picking losers! Hooray, I think!)

The bracket as it currently stands:

A big thanks to all who stopped by - there were a total of 92 votes this time around, 32 more than last week! It's cool to know so many people visit and like my drawings enough to vote - what great motivation to draw more! Thanks!